The Salvation Army of NWLA Needs Your Help
The Salvation Army of Northwest Louisiana needs your help. With the entire world in a tail spin, more people than ever need assistance and that's where the Salvation Army comes in!
But, you can't help people without resources and that's why they're asking for help with a giving campaign in cooperation with Walmart. Interested donors can look up the specific needs of the center in a Walmart registry, just like if they were searching for a wanted gift for a wedding or other special occasion.
We sincerely hope you're able to help. Donations as a whole for nonprofit organizations are down across the country and have been for years... the coronavirus pandemic is going to make it even worse. This is an easy way for you to support their efforts locally without leaving the comfort of your home.
Here's more on the giving campaign from Scott McLeod, Community Relations Coordinator, The Salvation Army of Northwest Louisiana:
The Salvation Army is teaming up with Walmart for Registry for Good online shopping site
SHREVEPORT, LA (April 2, 2020) – The Salvation Army of Northwest Louisiana is teaming up with Walmart for Registry for Good online shopping site. Similar to a wedding or baby registry, The Salvation Army has shared needed items on the site, such as laundry detergent, bed sheets, soap, plastic utensils, and Ziplock bags.
Community supporters can shop at Walmart.com Registry for Good and purchase items to help the Shreveport Corps with just a few clicks. The site can be reached at www.salvationarmyalm.org/shreveport. Here is the link for the registry page: https://www.walmart.com/registry/registryforgood/aca9ea94-5633-465f-8e7c-ca7260ec00a6/view.
“We appreciate Walmart extending this shopping opportunity to nonprofits to help get the supplies to meet the needs in our community,” said Lt. Jamaal Ellis, commanding officer of the Shreveport Corps.
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