Is it time for a little 'Spring Cleaning?'

It certainly needs to be at my house! Cleaning season has arrived once again, and if you're make up drawer could use a good 'once-over' like mine, pause for a second.

That mascara wand that you're about to throw away could be put to good use for a little creature that needs cleaning.

Before you chunk the old mascara wands with your tubes, consider taking just a few minutes to clean it with dawn soap, and allowing it to be put to further use. One non-profit is asking you to recycle your wand.

"Please do NOT throw away your mascara wands. Instead, clean JUST THE WAND with dawn soap, place them in a ziploc bag and mail them to a Wildlife Refuge accepting donations.

These little wands are able to be upcycled to clean away oil, larvae, fly eggs, mites, infections, mud and other contaminants from wildlife. Works great for medical care and wound treatment."

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