What To Expect From Trump’s First State Of The Union Address
President Donald Trump is set to deliver his first State of the Union Address Tuesday night.
"Presidents use the annual speech to highlight their achievements and put distance between themselves and their opponents. Trump's track record suggests he will have no problem with either task," said U.S. politics expert Professor Inderjeet Parmar, Head of the Department of International Politics at City, University of London.
One thing we know we can expect are the long pauses of standing ovations--and/or--booing--from the Commander-In-Chief's Congressional cohorts. But other than that,what can we expect content-wise from the president?
The Economy
Recent national news headlines have documented record-breaking upticks in the U.S. stock market. Trump may tout the economic success throughout the country that have occurred during his presidency.
He will certainly tout his administration's--and his party's--victory in passing a massive tax reform package in December. The GOP has lauded that passage as a conduit for continue economic success--for both everyday citizens and corporations.
Immigration/The Border Wall
Trump has been very adamant about getting that border wall installed, but political rhetoric and a Democratic Party that is not capitulating on the Dreamers' issue have thrown some wrenches in that process. Despite the challenges facing the president on this issue, one can expect he will address the push from liberal politicians to allow children brought here to the U.S. by illegal immigrants to stay in the U.S.
International Affairs
North Korea--and its dictator Kim Jong-Un--have dominated headlines around the globe. But Trump has maintained a dominant stance against the North Korea regime. The president may mention, if not tout, America's dominant stance in leading other nations to also combat nuclear threats from the distressed Asian nation.
Trump's trip to Asia outlined the U.S.A.'s changing role in global diplomatic relations. The president's historic excursion east also prompted, or progressed, trade talks among Asian nations and the U.S.
Listen Live From Trump's Lips To Your Ears
Regardless of what Trump will say at the State of The Union address, you can hear it all right here on kpel965.com. The speech will be broadcast live over the air, and from out Web site kpel965.com. You may also use the KPEL News App to use our one-touch listening capabilities.
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