Big Al from the KVKI Kidd Kraddick Morning Show has had a man-crush on Blake Shelton FOREVER! Maybe he can take Adam Levine's spot on The Voice? 

Do you know how if you say something enough times, it can happen? Well, Big Al has been putting this out in the universe for YEARS!!! He loves Blake Shelton and has no problem telling him all about it, and often, on Twitter.

Well, Blake saw all the love and decided to invite Big Al out to his new venue and introduce him on stage! How did it go? And did Big Al pull a… Big Al? What do you think? We're pretty sure it's inevitable... especially with Blake's gal Gwen Stefani around!

Is this the beginning of a beautiful bro-mance?

Hear Big Al talk about his trip, in Blake's helicopter no less, to go introduce Blake in his bar Ole Red in Oklahoma!

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