A house fire broke out over the weekend in the 2000 block of Perrin St. The fire broke out on Sunday (1/23/22), while the home owners were away. Shreveport Firefighters were able to get inside and find 4 pets who were suffering from smoke inhalation. Firefighters on the scene were able to provide oxygen and first-aid to the beloved pets.

In the video, you can see two SFD Firefighters providing care for 2 small dogs that seemed a little worse for ware. The dogs were taken care of until the owners of the home could be located. There were 3 dogs recued as well as one cat. At the time of the fire, there were 6 pets inside of the home, 1 dog and 1 cat remain unaccounted for.

Firefighters provide an amazing service, and the quick thinking of our great local SFD Firefighters was able to save the lives of some very-much loved pets. Thanks to these amazing Firefighters for risking their safety to save these brave animals.

The 30 Largest Pay Raises Just Given By The City Of Shreveport

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