george lucas

George Lucas Bringing His Museum (And Rare ‘Star Wars’ Art) to L.A.
George Lucas Bringing His Museum (And Rare ‘Star Wars’ Art) to L.A.
George Lucas Bringing His Museum (And Rare ‘Star Wars’ Art) to L.A.
When you have as much money as George Lucas has (a number we common peasants can scarcely imagine, a secret number, known only to those of the one percent’s one percent), simple luxury begins to lose its luster. You can only pay so many Ukrainian models to hand-feed you grapes and gently fan you with palm fronds before it all gets a little tired, at which point a person starts looking for more meaningful ways to spend their money. Philanthropy was born from this impulse, and branding-obsessed Lucas has found the perfect act of humanitarianism that also befits his planet-sized ego: founding a museum in which his creations of Star Wars can be displayed for all the world, and then slapping his name on it.
Revisit Carrie Fisher’s Uproarious Roast of George Lucas at the 2005 AFI Awards
Revisit Carrie Fisher’s Uproarious Roast of George Lucas at the 2005 AFI Awards
Revisit Carrie Fisher’s Uproarious Roast of George Lucas at the 2005 AFI Awards
The world’s still stinging from the loss of Carrie Fisher yesterday, and while we will most likely remember her first as Princess Leia, the actress cultivated a long career of comedy after her Star Wars years. Her one-woman show Wishful Drinking was a must-see on Broadway, and her hilarious, often inscrutable Twitter account will stand as a testament to her bizarre wit. In the wake of Fisher’s sad death on Tuesday, one video in particular has begun to pop up again, and it might just be the comic’s most searing public appearance of all.
Carrie Fisher’s Obituary Request Was Typically Witty and Wonderful
Carrie Fisher’s Obituary Request Was Typically Witty and Wonderful
Carrie Fisher’s Obituary Request Was Typically Witty and Wonderful
Today we mourn the loss of Carrie Fisher: Iconic actor, talented author, brilliant script doctor and, most of all, an incomparable force to be reckoned with. There are so many great adjectives you could use to describe Fisher: Uncompromising, unapologetic, fierce, witty, relatable, real, honest. She took all of those qualities and put them to work in her books — from memoirs to novels, Fisher had a knack for telling poignant and painful stories with wit and wisdom. Writing a worthy obituary for one of the best and boldest women on this planet or any other is surely an impossible task…so it’s a good thing that the perfect obit basically already exists, and unsurprisingly, Fisher came up with it herself.
George Lucas Isn’t Involved With the ‘Indiana Jones 5’ Story
George Lucas Isn’t Involved With the ‘Indiana Jones 5’ Story
George Lucas Isn’t Involved With the ‘Indiana Jones 5’ Story
We’re still not sure exactly when the new Indiana Jones sequel will happen, but not long ago, Disney and Lucasfilm confirmed that Steven Spielberg is returning to direct Harrison Ford in Indiana Jones 5. David Koepp, who worked on the screenplay for Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (insert sad trombone) is also reuniting with Spielberg for the upcoming sequel, and according to him, there’s one notable person who won’t be involved — at least on the story level.
‘Star Wars’ Fans Petition for George Lucas to Replace Colin Trevorrow on ‘Episode 9’
‘Star Wars’ Fans Petition for George Lucas to Replace Colin Trevorrow on ‘Episode 9’
‘Star Wars’ Fans Petition for George Lucas to Replace Colin Trevorrow on ‘Episode 9’
And in other, more humorous Star Wars news…Many fans were a bit disappointed with Lucasfilm’s decision to hire Jurassic World director Colin Trevorrow to helm Episode 9, but perhaps starting a petition to have George Lucas replace him on the final film in the new trilogy is taking things a little too far. This is what you might call a severe overreaction.