I may get lambasted for this, but since  winning the entire Mega Millions $640 million prize is a pipe-dream, I was thinking, what I would do to help my family, if I won it...and yes, I have my tickets.

First off, I would not quit my job. My kids need to see me work and work hard. I believe it sets the right example. You have to earn what you want, nothing is given to you...even if you win it.

Second, I would pay off all outstanding bills. I would make sure we are comfortable, not extravagant.

Third, I would have cash put away for them to go to school. Education is EXTREMELY important. Even if the money is gone, you can make a living with your brain and/or your brawn.

Fourth, I would donate a large sum to a variety of charities in my wife and kids names. In the end, the money we win, isn't all going to be used by us. People who bless others with their genuine help deserve the hand-up.

Fifth, I would put a trust-fund together for my kids. BUT, there would be stipulations:

1.) You won't get it until you are 40.

2.) You must graduate high school

3.) You must go to secondary education and graduate.

Now that may be harsh, but again, I am the kind of parent who thinks that school is VERY important. And quite frankly, by the time you are 40, you should be in a place where you know what you need to get by...and hopefully, if they have kids, will do the same for their kids.

The remainder would go into savings and investments, that one day will go to my kids.

It is so easy to think about all the thing we would do for ourselves, selfishly, but I spend a lot of time thinking about my wife and kid's futures.

I want them to live the life that I was afforded, if not better. That is the parent's dream.

When it comes down to it, I don't need anything, except for my wife and kids to be comfortable.

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