As I have stated before, I am a worrier, when it come to the baby. My wife makes a lot of noises when the baby crawls into places that make my wife uncomfortable. But after asking, her to tell me "Please let me know what each painful expression means, I think I finally gotten a grasp on some of the sounds that she makes and there are a few:

"ooh" or "Oof" - She kicked

"Eeeoooow" - She is moving downward and my wife can't move her hips

"(Panting) ssshhhhwwwooossshhh" (while bending over) - She is sitting on her sciatic nerve

(sigh) - She is sitting in a place that no matter what my wife does, she can't get comfy by sitting,  standing or laying down.

This is what I have learned so far. I am slow on the up-take (that is probably because I am a guy), but I am learning.

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