Thousands - okay, tens of thousands - of Muslim immigrants were resettled across the USA by the federal government in the last year. And despite the feds dropping thousands of mostly military age men in municipalities all over the country, it's been nearly impossible to get exact figures...from the government, at least.

And what about close to home? How many immigrants have been dropped in Texas, Arkansas, or right here in Louisiana? Well, here are the numbers, compiled by a number of watchdog websites...and the cities and towns themselves.

Baton Rouge, Louisiana 125

Lafayette, Louisiana 30

Metarie, Louisiana 185

Abilene, Texas 200

Amarillo, Texas 442

Austin, Texas 930

Corpus Christi, Texas 5

Dallas, Texas 1,765

El Paso, Texas 35

Ft. Worth, Texas 1,503

Houston, Texas 2,605

San Antonio, Texas 750

Biloxi, Misisippi 5

Jackson, Misissippi 20

Springdale, Arkansas 10

To see a numbers from all 50 states, JUST CLICK HERE!


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