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In case you haven't heard, it's almost time for Geek'd Con 2022 at the Shreveport Convention Center. The annual event (which will take place August 19th-21st) is one of the biggest pop culture conventions in the state of Louisiana. And, this year's line up of guests is nothing short of amazing! Matthew Lillard, Skeet Ulrich, Jamie Kennedy, Natasha Henstridge, Clint Howard and tons of other stars from movies and TV will be on hand for the event.

If you're interested, you can find more details and buy tickets here. Now, if you want to roll the dice and try to win some FREE tickets, we've got the hookup for you. Fill out the form below for a chance to win a pair of tickets to the show. The tickets are good all weekend long, so you can attend all three days or just one.

Geek'd Con Guests 2022

Geek'd Con is coming back to Shreveport for another wonderful year. This year the show is August 19-21 2022. Tickets on sale now. Buy your tickets here.

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