Add Norton Art Gallery to Your Trick or Treat Route
Norton Art Gallery is getting into the Halloween spirit on Monday.
All throughout the year, R. W. Norton Art Gallery knows how to throw a party for every occasion. Their events are for the young and old alike. This time, they are hosting a trick or treating event for the entire family.
Even if you don't live near the gallery, make a point to stop by.
You can bring the kiddos to trick or treat anytime between 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. on Halloween (Monday, October 31). Trick or treating will take place throughout the halls of the gallery, so make sure all children are accompanied by an adult.
Norton is pulling out all of the spooky stops with lots of fun activities for everyone. Make sure your costume is up to snuff as they will be hosting a costume contest. You can even take home a family memory in the photo booth.
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