Bristol’s Bachelor Recap: Monday, January 23, 2017
It was another crazy episode on The Bachelor last night! With one group date and two one-on-ones in Nick’s hometown of Waukesha, Wisconsin, things got heated, but Raven was the lucky girl who got to meet Nick’s little sister Bella and his parents on their first real one-on-one date. The two not only went to Bella’s soccer game, they went roller skating and then shared an intimate dinner together where Raven told Nick about a psycho moment she had with an ex who had cheated on her. After all, she is from Arkansas.
This was all following an uneventful one-on-one with Danielle L… the date where they ended up seeing Chris Lane perform for like two seconds! They also ran into one of Nick’s exes… Needless to say, I wanted to see more Chris Lane.
Finally, I would have killed on the group date to the dairy farm. I have mad skills with a pitch fork! Corinne (of course) had a medical emergency that prevented her from scooping poop! Of course, we had to have the inevitable showdown between Corinne and the girls, namely mental health counselor Taylor. I’m not really sure what business it is of Taylor’s whether or not Corinne is ready for a mature relationship, but it makes for some great drama!
BTW, in case you missed it, Brittany and Christen were sent home in the opening rose ceremony.
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