Louisiana Parents May Not Want the Next Round of Stimulus Yet

I hate to start off like this, but this has been an unprecedented year. Now that the most overused phrase of 2020/2021 is out of the way, It’s time to once again focus on what Uncle Sam is sending us in the form of cash to offset our COVID costs.
Unfortunately, if you’re not in legal possession of a human child under the age of 18 - you’ll have to sit this one out (sorry dog moms). Parents will be singled out in this particular round of relief, and will get $250-$300 a month per child in the form of direct payments that start in July.
While I’m sure you could use the cash, you may want to consider opting out of the payments. Why shouldn’t I use that money to buy uniforms and/or school supplies, you ask? It all depends on your situation.
The experts at Yahoo Finance say that if you do decline to start receiving payments this year via the IRS’s online portal, you’re not missing out. You’ll get the entire amount come tax time of 2022. This can be used to offset any taxes you may owe, or to help you boost that tax refund so that you can do something big with it next year - like put a down payment on a house.
Here’s the best news: you’ve got some time to make up your mind, as the portal to login and make your choice won’t be up and running until July 1st. Just remember, if you opt out that means you won’t get the recurring monthly payments that are set to start rolling out for American parents from July to December. The question you have to ask yourself is this: Will it be an extra merry Christmas or a very happy new year?
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