Little Penny was carelessly tossed out onto the side of the road in Harrisonville, Virginia, but thanks to Officer Timothy Rugg, the kitten now has a home.
The new law will allow the court to exercise "statutory authority to designate sole or joint ownership between the parties or a sharing arrangement," in much the same way custody of children is decided.
We could offer an explanation of this. But we really don't have one, and do you really need one? It's just an adorable Corgi puppy and an equally adorable kitten snuggling, and arguing in their sleep over who gets the most pillow. Oh, and chewing on each other's feet...
I love animals... All three of my cats and my Pug!
So imagine my shock when I was reading one of the Consumer Reports blogs and saw a story about kittens being pierced!
After I shook my head, I realized that I have never thought that kittens needed to have body piercings to make them look better!
But a Pennsylvania women seems to disagree.