Two Haughton Family Men Die in Car Crash in Texas
A tragedy for the Haughton Community. Two Haughton residents have died in a vehicle accident in East Texas.
34 year old Kaleb Hamby and 28 year old Gabriel Webb died in the fiery crash. Both men have 3 children.
A GoFundMe page has been set up to help the Hamby and Webb families with expenses. The GoFundMe page expressed the magnitude of this awful tragedy.
"The life altering event dreaded most has become a horrifying reality for two young families. On December 11th Ashley Hamby and Ashley Webb received the worst news possible, their beloved husbands had been in a fatal car accident in which neither survived. Kaleb Hamby and Corey Webb each leave behind three young children. Six beautiful children that will never have their fathers again. Two young men that will never get to share another Christmas together and experience the joy on their children's faces. Two grieving widows that are suddenly single parents weeks before Christmas.
A loss of this magnitude is unthinkable. It is the goal of this fundraiser to alleviate a small part of the tremendous agony these young widows and their children are faced with. Donations will be split between Ashley Hamby and Ashley Webb.
Please keep Ashley Hamby, Micah (5), Mille (3), Maya (6 months), Ashley Webb, Kai (6), Ellie (4), and Izzie (2) in your thoughts and prayers.
Ashley Hamby is my sister in law (my husband is her brother). Ashley Webb is my cousin in law. The funds are being raised solely for Ashley Hamby and Ashley Webb and they will be the only ones who receive the money. I intend to set up the direct deposit info and split it evenly for them unless there is a way to split it directly on here. Naturally they are too distraught to manage this themselves thus the reason I am helping. "
The Haughton community has come together to help ease some of the suffering of this tragic event that happened right before the holidays.
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