Parents who have children attending Kerr Elementary School in Bossier City might have noticed there's no flashing school zone signal in the area right now.

City spokesman Mark Natale tells KEEL News that's because of a wreck Friday afternoon in which a suspected drunk driver knocked down a power pole.

"There was a pole that was connected to a line that's strung across the roadway that had a flashing yellow school zone light on it," Natale said. "This individual by the name of Roger Adkins, according to witnesses, was northbound on Northgate Road, driving at a high rate of speed, lost control and hit the pole, knocking the line and the flashing yellow light down to the road bed."

Natale said the 55-year-old Bossier City man was booked into the Bossier City Jail on a first-offense DWI charge.

There is some question over who's responsible for replacing the light -- the city or the Bossier Parish School Board. Natale said city engineers will be working with the board to come up with a solution.

In the meantime, officers will be out monitoring the area during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up times, when the school zones are normally in effect. Natale said it could take a few days to get everything fixed.

"First and foremost is the safety of the kids, and we'll take steps to help insure that," Natale said.


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