Maybe now is the time in your life when you think it's right to bring a baby into the world. Maybe you are trying not to have a baby, but nature has just taken its course, and now you're pregnant.

The latest statistics from WalletHub show that Louisiana is the 4th worst state when it comes to having a baby. On a couple of the metrics used to work on the ratings, Louisiana was about in the middle of the pack; however, in the other metrics, Louisiana doesn't fare very well.

WalletHub analysis information from across the fifty states and the District of Columbia to come up with their rankings. There are some real struggles that have to be addressed for the mother and father of children in our state. One of the areas where the state of Louisiana has some significant troubles are when it comes to the weight of babies at birth, and Louisiana's overall infant mortality rate.

There are many issues that are facing children and their parents when they are born in the state of Louisiana. It can be very difficult for families to find enough obstetricians, and in general, it can be very hard for parents to get access to health care. Another hurdle that parents all across the country, and especially Louisiana have to deal with are ever-increasing costs that are associated with having and raising a child.

In all, WalletHub used thirty-two different metrics to gauge each state's suitability when it comes to bringing a child into the world.

Louisiana Is 2020's 4th Worst State To Have A Baby




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