When Should KVKI Start Playing Christmas Music?
It's no secret that KVKI is Shreveport/Bossier City's official Christmas station, but we're wondering, with the state of the world today, when is the right time to start spreading the joy and love of the Christmas season?
I don't know about you, but every time I hear the news recently, I can't help but think we need some joy in our hearts... With parts of our country reeling as they attempt to recover from recent hurricanes, arguments regarding how to handle the asylum seeking refugees making their way to our country from South America, shootings at places of worship, pipe bombs in the mail and the mid-term elections.... Aggghhhh! I just can't take it. It seems like our country is more divided than ever before!
Now, don't misunderstand me. I'm not talking about playing Christmas music early this year in support of some commercialized retail 'Christmas Creep.' I sincerely want to impart the joy, magic and love of the Christmas season. For me, Christmas has always been a time of family gatherings, celebration, gratitude, renewal and service.
With that being said, how soon is too soon when it comes to KVKI becoming Shreveport/Bossier's Official Christmas Station? We want to know what you think! Sound off below and make sure to vote in our poll.