I Worked Out for the First Time Since Breaking My Leg
Since breaking my leg last October, I have been nervous about working out again. Before I broke my leg I was getting started on a health kick where I was focusing on myself. I would monitor what I would eat and make sure I am getting a good workout in my routine. Which led me to wanting to tryout Roller Derby. I thought it would be a great way to stay active and get involved in an organization. Then boom... I snapped my fibula bone right above my ankle.
No one plans on breaking their leg, but this was a first for me and I wasn't sure when I would feel comfortable stepping back into the gym. Thankfully, I have good friends who push me to step out of my comfort zone. Carter has been going to Crossfit Sage for some time now and thought it would be fun to watch Brandon and I struggle to keep up with him.
To my surprise I did well and I feel fine! I went into the experience of Crossfit terrified that something was going to happen. I was thinking "What if I didn't wait long enough?" and "What if I am not healed completely and something goes wrong? I can't be stuck in my bed for another month." I didn't show this fear to my friends. I just went for it.
I finished the workout with energy to spare, and ecstatic that I have my life back.Thankfully I had my first workout at a place that knew how to adjust their workout for someone who is carrying the weight of an injury with them.